How to get rid of lines without Botox, fillers, harsh skincare & expensive gadgets – gentle, cheaper and natural Botox alternatives that really work

The youth obsession that has swept society launched many on a mission to defy nature by not showing any signs of aging with harsh skincare and invasive procedures.

I was 41 in January. Although I’m embracing my age and the lines that come with it, I don’t particularly love them either. Women my age often think that they have to upgrade their skincare and go for acids, peels and retinol. They are indeed scientifically proven to be anti-ageing. If they work for you and your skin and you are happy with the results, happy days. However, for different reasons they may not be an option for everyone, for example those with sensitive skin or expecting mothers.

Such strong products may be harsh for delicate complexions. They may upset the natural integrity of the skin’s barrier, resulting in breakouts, sensitivity, irritation, dry and flaky skin etc. which may then be difficult to address, especially when it comes to sensitive skin. 

Secondly, the skin may get dependent on these treatments as often when one stops using them, the skin gets messy. I often get messages from people sharing this experience.

If you have been part of Sana Naturals Tribe for a while you must know by now that I'm not really an 'anti-ageing' crusader. I'm more a proponent of gentle and natural skincare products and practices that encourage healthy glowing skin. 

Although I'm an advocate for the gentler approach, I understand the inclination of using stronger products and more radical procedures to quickly address aging and the idea of looking youthful is really appealing. Let's be honest, we all want to look youthful, glowing and our best.

It took me years to realise that simplicity and gentleness in skincare is the key. Especially when it comes to challenging and sensitive skin.

So how to get rid of wrinkles without Botox, fillers, harsh skincare products and expensive skincare gadgets? These are my tried and tested, gentle, cheaper and natural ways to smooth out wrinkles and slow down aging. These are, in my opinion the best natural alternatives to Botox.


In my experience, our skin’s health is influenced by 3 factors, our eating habits, lifestyle and skincare routine. They hugely affect how our skin looks, whether it’s healthy and glowing, thus looking youthful or dull and imbalanced.

If we have a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle but use skincare products that contain ingredients that may upset the skin’s natural barrier’s integrity, our skin may have difficulties to thrive.

And if we use truly natural skincare products but don’t do the basics right, our skin’s health is challenged. 


Eating healthily and having a healthy lifestyle goes without saying. 

Eat many different coloured vegetables and fruit as possible, also plant based protein, such as pulses and legumes, and whole grains. Drink plenty of water. Balanced diet abundant in antioxidants helps to keep the skin smooth and glowing. Avoid inflammatory foods, such as processed foods, sugar and tea and coffee. 

Having a healthy lifestyle is as important. In my experience any stress shows in the skin, so be kind to yourself. Get enough sleep and fresh air, rest and exercise regularly, even 10 min daily makes a difference.

Read: how to fit self-care into your hectic schedule and get fit, even if you are a busy working mum with small children and hate exercising. 


If we do the basics right, the skincare products work to maintain the skin’s natural healthy balance. 

There is no potion in the world that will stop time appearing on our face and miraculously erase wrinkles but we can make the skin look as healthy and glowing as it should at this moment in time. Therefore, I don’t like the word ‘anti-aging’ skincare and I prefer to use the word slow aging skincare. 

Just like our body, the skin needs nutrition to thrive. So for every skin, young or mature, whether it’s currently dull and imbalanced or healthy and glowing, it needs nutrition to maintain its glow or be healed. 

Truly natural skincare products are super concentrated and help restore the skin’s natural balance and maintain its optimum elasticity and glow, keeping it healthy and smooth, thus slowing down its aging.

I’m an advocate of minimalist and multifunctional skincare that is gentle and nourishing, focusing on restoring the skin’s natural health, with minimum product dependence. 

Switching to truly natural multipurpose skincare products has many advantages. Such skincare products, apart from offering skin nutrition, provide a wide array of skin benefits, as well as slowing down its aging. You buy and use fewer products, have less steps in your skincare routine so you save time and you get better skin results, faster.

Check out Sana Naturals natural skincare products that are especially designed to target multiple skin issues at once, offering nutrition to skins of all ages and types.


I discovered Face Yoga last year and I'm totally hooked. 

Face Yoga is a natural way of smoothing out lines and wrinkles and looking and feeling younger and healthier. It is a combination of face exercises, face massage, face acupressure and face relaxation.

Facial Yoga exercises help improve facial appearance and reduce visible signs of aging. The exercises help enlarge and strengthen the facial muscles, so the face becomes firmer and more toned and shaped, like a younger face.

There are 57 muscles in the face and neck and when they are exercised, they become stronger, lifted and firmed. The skin attached to the muscles is also lifted and tautened, therefore reducing lines and wrinkles. 

The massage techniques also help increase the collagen and elastin production in the skin, the natural plumping agents, meaning a firmer and healthier complexion. 

Face Yoga helps to slow down aging and tighten skin without Botox, helping to achieve a youthful look in a gentle and non-invasive way, with some extra added benefits. 

It not only enhances youthful look by helping shape up face muscles and smooth out lines, but also has many other benefits, including relaxation and supporting body wellness. It’s a natural and much cheaper alternative to Botox and fillers without any possible side effects. 

I have been doing face yoga exercises regularly and I’m amazed with the results. Many Face Yoga classes are now held via zoom without leaving your house, no matter what part of the world you live in, which is very handy.

Read here the science behind Face Yoga in a recent interview with Simona, the founder and teacher at Face And Body Yoga


A face roller is a dainty pretty tool that was used in beauty rituals in ancient China for multiple skin benefits. 

Regular face massage using a face roller will increase circulation, lymph flow and remove toxins. This will help enhance the skin tone, reduce puffiness and dark circles and allow the skin to look healthier and more youthful. 

You can store the face roller in the fridge before using it on the skin to keep the stone extra cool. It will enhance the skin tightening and relaxing benefits. 

Some jade rollers in the market may be fake, made of a stone that was bleached and injected with dyes. I wouldn’t like to have these near my skin. So to be sure the stone is genuine I use the Rose Quartz face roller. Rose Quartz is said to have spiritual properties by promoting unconditional love.

Face massage using a face roller is a truly relaxing supplement to your daily natural skin care routine if you crave something more than a face massage with just your fingers. And it’s said that ‘3 minutes of rolling per day keeps the wrinkles away’. 

Sana Naturals Rose Quartz face roller comes in a cotton pouch for easy storage and an instruction how to use. 

Watch a video tutorial on how to use a jade face roller on face.


There are many dietary supplements in the market, that are proven in research studies to have anti-aging properties, such as collagen, hyaluronic acid or coenzyme Q10 to name only few. 

Although certain supplements may help slow down aging and promote a healthy life, in my opinion the best way to promote it is having a nutritious balanced diet. 

The only supplement that I take regularly is fish oil and its vegan counterpart is a flaxseed oil. Incorporating a high quality oil in the diet that is rich in omega-3 helps maintain skin moisture and prevent skin dehydration when taken as part of a balanced diet. Great food sources of omega-3 are oily fish, such as mackerel, sardines, wild salmon, tuna and nuts and seeds, especially flaxseed. 

Food supplements, such as fish oil and others mentioned earlier usually have different properties, e.g. fish oil has blood thinning properties, so it’s important to consult a healthcare professional before taking a supplement to make sure it’s suitable for you. 


Sleeping on a silk pillowcase will not reduce the lines but it is said to slow down their appearance. 

Apparently, friction from tossing and turning and sleeping on the face causes creases in the skin. But a smooth silky surface with very little friction means less tugging on skin than with a cotton pillowcase.

Sleeping on silk is said to also help improve the appearance of skin’s hydration, which can make it look more youthful. 

Unlike cotton, silk does not draw moisture away from the skin and hair. Instead, it promotes a proper moisture balance, allowing skincare products to be absorbed into the skin rather than into the pillow’s fabric. Also, silk is a natural protein fibre that does not conduct static electricity, thus helping reduce hair breakage.

I recently bought a new Mulberry silk pillowcase by an Irish brand - The Ethical Silk Company. It’s dye free and sustainably produced and follows fair trade standards. The company has pledged to donate 10% profits to charity. I love it. 


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